9 Tasty and Nutritious snack ideas that Won’t harm your diet

Syeda Umama
4 min readMay 31, 2023

As everyone knows snacking is a part of most people’s daily routine. It is important to choose healthy snacks that will not only satisfy your hunger but also provide valuable nutrients to your body protein-rich.

Greek yogurt

Photo by Wesual Click on Unsplash

Greek yogurt is a great option for those who want to boost their protein intake. This special yogurt is tasty and makes us feel full for a longer time because it is thicker than normal yogurt. You can make a healthy and sweet dessert by adding fresh berries. Berries like strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are also excellent choices as they are rich in antioxidants. Greek yogurt provides multiple nutrients and increases your metabolism.

Vegetable chips

Craving something crunchy and savory? Try baked vegetable chips made from kale beets or carrots instead of reaching for traditional potato chips these chips are a much healthier option as they are packed with vitamins and minerals making them a great addition to any snacking routine.


Nuts are a great option for snacking because they have a lot of fiber, protein, and good fats for your body. Almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds are perfect for a quick snack on the go but be careful not to over-eat it.


Oats ranked among the most nutritious grains available worldwide. Create a nutritious breakfast or snack by combining unsweetened fruit, plain yogurt, and oatmeal. A fantastic source of essential vitamins and antioxidants. these grains are also gluten-free.

Boiled eggs

In winter, boiled eggs serve as a convenient and prompt snack option. It is available for you at all times. You can sprinkle some salt and black pepper to make it more tasty.

Figs with honey and yogurt

Figs can help with digestion, keep our hearts healthy, and may also help control our blood sugar levels. You should only eat 2–3 figs a day. Dried figs are a good snack if you want to gain weight. Dates are full of vitamins B6, A, and K. Eating dates regularly can make your bones stronger and boost your immunity.


Photo by Yoav Aziz on Unsplash

You can include a bowl of fruit or vegetable salad as a snack option. Eating salad can make you lose weight and provides you with numerous nutrients. A good reason to eat salad is that it makes your skin young and smooth. Adding salads in your daily meals helps you stay hydrated and prevents dehydration.


Roasted or boiled chickpeas with some spices are a yummy option for your afternoon or evening snack. Chickpeas have lots of fiber that is good for your body. They reduced the amount of cholesterol and make it less likely for you to get cancer

Dark chocolate

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

If you are looking for a sweet snack opt for dark chocolate dark chocolate contains antioxidants that are beneficial for overall health, and it is a healthier alternative to traditional chocolate which is high in sugar and unhealthy fats.

In conclusion, snacking is a great way to fuel your body throughout the day it is important to choose snacks that are healthy nutritious, and satisfying to keep you feeling full and energized so why not try some of these delicious and healthy snack options? Today your body will thank you.

If you have any suggestions tell me in the comments below.



Syeda Umama

I write about health, self-care, travel and education.